Welcome to theTokyoBill!

A guy in Tokyo writing about Japan-related news, local craft beer venues & his tasty beer outings.

What's this website about?

In short, I write on things that interest me, what's going on.  I've got a news page where I share general News on Japan, but also I'm showcasing my interest in craft beer...!

Why beer?

Well, for many years, if you wanted to down a freshly-poured lager, getting some cold Super Drys followed by jugs of Suntory Malts at the karaoke box were par for the course. If you wanted to enjoy Thai, Indian or Chinese cuisine, etc., then you'd likely wash your meal down with a couple of bottles of Singha, Kingfisher or Tsingtao.  And if you craved an actual pint at the local Irish/British pubs, about all you would find was a certain Irish stout!

My point being that beer choices were pretty limited to the major, common brands. Japanese brands were pretty limited in style and fairly similar in taste, with only a few specialty beer bars--some Belgian or German places come to mind and of course, Billy Barew's Beer Bar.

However, as tax restrictions eased up, brewers were able to experiment more freely and imported beer was easier to manage. The craft beer boom really gained popularity around 2010, and since then we Tokyoites have found a great selection of beer pubs and a multitude of styles. And Yokohama is nothing to sneeze at, by the way!

So, are you looking for a new place to check out?  Whether you live here or are planning a visit, I hope you find
theTokyoBill offers you a bit of insight to the craft beer scene.  I'll compile local venues, and write my opinions on some of the places I visit.

Oh, and once again, for those of you interested in Japan generally, visit the news page, where I'll present some Japan-related newsworthy items.  You don't need to be a hop-head to enjoy theTokyoBill!

Are you new to craft beer?

If you drink beer advertised on TV, you might not be a craft beer sort of person.  Not that I'm knocking your tastes, mind you, but beers you typically find around town are large-batch products made by large-scale producers.  These products appeal to a broader customer base, have a lower price tag and are generally available year-round. 

So what is a craft beer, anyway?  Let me lift a description from the International Marketing Analysis Research and Consulting Group (IMARC):

"Craft beer refers to beer that is traditionally brewed by small, independent breweries, emphasizing quality, flavor, and brewing techniques. Craft beer is typically made in smaller batches, allowing brewers greater control over the brewing process and the opportunity for creativity and experimentation.

Craft beer is manufactured using traditional brewing methods, including mashing, boiling, fermenting, and conditioning, often with high-quality ingredients such as specialty malts, hops, yeast, and adjuncts like fruit, spices, or herbs. Its importance lies in its role as a cultural expression, offering consumers a diverse array of flavors and experiences while challenging conventional beer norms.

Another term you may come across is microbrewery, emphasizing the small-volume production capability of the craft beer maker when compared to the large-scale breweries, or macrobreweries.  Ultimately you ought to drink what tastes good to you, though you'll find greater variety in flavor, aroma, mouthfeel, alcohol content et al amongst craft beers.